
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Just A Dandelion Seed : Chapter One

****ATTENTION!!!!******: To continue the story when I post different chunks of different stories, you use the tags to find every Just A Dandelion Seed post. The tags for this book are : just a dandelion seed , jads , and 4rLZUr  Thank you and enjoy the book! <3 Hadley

     My name is Marnice Izzabelle Clair Lloyd. But, I just go by Marni and that's it. I live with my mom,
Robyn (who I rarely call mom), my older brother, Fitzpatrick, who we call Fitz, and my dog, Rustie. 
     My dad left for the military about twelve years ago. He died 3 years ago. 
     Robyn has trouble keeping her jobs. 
     We move at least every 3 months. 
     I've gone to 14 different middle and high schools. 
     Sometimes, we can't get the things we need, like gas for the car, or food for dinner. It's tough.
     Rustie's never been hungry. I work at FroYo Universe to pay for the dog. We would of had to send him to the pound if I hadn't of gotten a job. 
      Once, in third grade in Mrs. DeLussey's class, Mrs. DeLussey asked us to make a simile about our lives. It took me a long time to think of something. I finally came up with "Marni Lloyd is like a dandelion seed, she always moves and has a purpose. One day, she'll stop blowing around, stay somewhere and begin to grow."
      I wish I could say I've stopped blowing.
Hey guys Hadley here. Sorry this chapter was so short, it is only an introduction paragraph. How do you like Marni? Personally, I like her. Bye!

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